
Frequently Asked Questons

Please note: while we strive to update all information found in the answers to the Frequently Asked Questions , they are largely based off league policies and operations from past years. All information is subject to change. Last updated: December 2015.

How can I register for the Spring Season?
All registrations will be processed through our online system. We strongly encourage that you register online via clcfsports.org.
Are walk-in registrations held?
CLCF Baseball will be holding several walk-in registrations for those families who are unable to register online. Please check clcfbaseball.com for walk-in registration dates.
Can I register via mail?
Yes. You can mail the completed paper registration form and check to CLCF Baseball, 970 Pontiac Ave. Cranston 02920.
If all registrations are processed online, what will happen if I register at a walk-in session or via mail?
If you register at a walk-in session or via mail, your information will be entered into our online system. An account on our online registration system will automatically be created for you (you will receive a confirmation email with your account information.) You can use this account to register online for future programs.
What is the registration fee?
The registration fee for each division varies, and will be clearly stated on the registration form.
Are scholarships available for financial hardships?
Please contact us at baseball@clcfsports.com to confidentially discuss this circumstance.
Are discounts available if I register multiple children?
Yes. There is a discount off the third sibling's registration fee.

When are tryouts?
Tryouts will take place during March, at an indoor facility. Players can bring their own bats, helmets, gloves, etc. and should wear sneakers. Information regarding tryouts will be circulated closer to the tryout date.
Does my child need to tryout?
If you child falls under one of the following categories, he or she needs to try out:
• My child has never played CLCF Baseball before, and has a baseball age of 9, 10, 11, or 12.
• Baseball 9 who played AAA Jr. last season, and wishes to move up to AAA.
• Baseball 11 who played AAA last season, and wishes to move up to Majors
(If your child must tryout, you will receive an email from the league with your tryout information.)
I just received information about my child's tryout time, but he/she cannot make the tryout. What should I do?
Please email us (baseball@clcfsports.org) ASAP to discuss options.
When should I receive a call from a coach?
If your child plays AAA or Majors, and is a new player, he or she will receive a call from a coach a few days after the tryout. If your child plays in AAA Jr., AA, or Instructional, you will receive a call from a coach around the middle of March, as these teams are set after the older divisions. The coach may schedule a team meeting, where he or she may distribute schedules and contact information, as well as have parents sign important player information forms.
After I receive a call from the coach, when do games and practices start?
Due to city ordinance, we cannot use the fields until after April 1st. Your coach will notify you as to when team practices will start. AAA and Majors games begin on the first week of April, and AAA Jr., AA, and Instructional games will begin after Opening Day.

When is Opening Day?
Opening Day is a ceremony that is held at the end of April, usually during school vacation week. (Date subject to change.)
What does Opening Day consist of?
Opening Day consists of a parade from Cranston Stadium to Ricci (Field) and on-field ceremonies. After the ceremonies, team and individual pictures will be taken, and a AAA game will be played.
Will there be any practices or games before Opening Day?
Coaches will provide each team a practice and game schedule at the team meeting. We are not allowed to use the fields until the City of Cranston gives us permission (which assures that the fields are safe and playable after winter conditions), which typically is around April 1. Some coaches may choose to schedule practices at an indoor facility prior to April 1.

What days will games and practices be held on?
Again, there is no set day for games and practices. Instructional, AA, and AAA Jr. players should expect one game on the weekends, and one practice during the week. AAA and Majors players should expect two games during the week and one practice on the weekends. (Please note that these are subject to change.)
Where are games and practices held?
CLCF Baseball uses many fields throughout the City of Cranston. Please click here for field information. While there is no set field for each division, coaches will always notify you regarding where games and practices will take place.
How will I know if a game is cancelled?
If a game is cancelled due to weather, or any other reason, you should receive notification from your coach. We will always post game cancellations on Facebook and Twitter, and on clcfbaseball.com.
What do I do if my child cannot make a game or practice?
You should always contact your coach directly at least 24 hours in advance of game or practice if your child cannot attend. Contacting a coach less that 24 hours in advance may jeopardize your child’s playing time. Please direct such inquiries and notices to your child's coach.

What portions of the uniform are supplied by the league?
As part of your registration fee, your child will receive a hat with the team name, a uniform shirt, and socks.
What portions of the uniform do I need to buy? You will need to buy baseball pants, rubber cleats* (no metal cleats are permitted) and protective equipment (athletic supporter and cup). All of these items are available at Elmwood Sports.
*Sneakers are acceptable for Instructional and AA players.
Is equipment provided by the league? Yes. The league will provide helmets, catcher’s equipment, bats, etc. Players should bring their own glove, with their name written on the glove. However, many players feel more comfortable using their own equipment.
I want to buy my son/daughter equipment. What should I keep in mind?
Many players feel more comfortable using their own equipment. Please keep the following in mind:
• Your child's name should be written on everything that he/she brings to the field. This will prevent equipment being misplaced.
• If you are purchasing your child a bat, please be sure to ask for assistance to be sure that you are buying the correct size bat for your child based on his/her height and size. Please note: bats whose diameter exceed 2 1/4 inches are illegal at this level of play. Any illegal bat will be removed from a game.

Is there a code of conduct for games?
Yes. CLCF Baseball has a zero tolerance policy regarding inappropriate conduct towards other players, coaches, and umpires. All parents are required to sign a Code of Conduct form before the season. Please click here to read the Spectator Code of Conduct. Is smoking allowed at CLCF fields?
All CLCF fields are city property, and the City of Cranston prohibits smoking at all fields. In addition to smoking, alcohol, smokeless/chewing tobacco, and other illegal substances may not be used at any field.
The main goal of CLCF Baseball is to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all of our players and families. Therefore, all events operated under CLCF Baseball are conducted under policies and procedures to ensure a safe environment. Please click here to download a copy of CLCF Baseball's safety expectations.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at baseball@clcfsports.org

Can my child play during the summer?
CLCF Baseball is a Cal Ripken Baseball league, and thus competes in Cal Ripken State and Regional Tournaments. CLCF fields tournament teams in the 9 year old division, 10 year old division, 11 year old division, and 12 year old division. These teams will represent both CLCF and Cranston in the Rhode Island Cal Ripken State Tournament, with the possibility of continuing onto the Cal Ripken New England Regionals, and even the Cal Ripken World Series (for 10 and 12 year old teams.) CLCF Baseball has demonstrated tremendous success in these tournaments, with numerous state titles, and many successful runs in the New England Regionals. In 2014, our 10 Year Old team won the New England Regionals, and advanced to the 10 Year Old Cal Ripken World Series in Winchester, VA. This was the first time that a CLCF team has won a New England Regional, and the first time Rhode Island has been represented in a Cal Ripken World Series.
How can my child be a part of these tournament teams?
These teams are open to all CLCF Baseball players who played in the regular season. These teams are selected through either a tryout, or a selection process done by the coaches. More information will be available towards the latter half of the regular season.
How much of a commitment is being a member of one of the tournament teams?
Due to the rigorous competition at the state and regional level, these teams will often practice every night of the week. State tournaments, while local, run for a week in duration, and can often entail playing every day. Regional tournaments may be in places with a long commute, and often requires a hotel stay. Are there summer opportunities for players who are younger than nine?
CLCF also fields an 8-year-old tournament team, that competes in various tournaments in New England, such as the Christopher Andreozzi Memorial Tournament in Pawtucket. More information about this team will be available towards the latter half of the regular season.
Does CLCF Baseball offer a Fall Ball program?
Yes. The program is welcome to all players, and is not restricted to players who played CLCF in the spring. More information about fall ball will be made available as it approaches.
Can my child train through CLCF Baseball during the winter?
Please check clcfbaseball.com and our social media outlets for information regarding offseason opportunities.

How can I coach with CLCF Baseball?
You may contact the Baseball Chairperson with your request, and you will be notified if coaches are needed. Please note that any person who steps onto the field must have a BCI check done through CLCF Baseball. There is a $5.00 fee for the BCI check. If you are interesting in coaching, please click here.
I had a BCI check done through another league, my employer, etc., do I need to have another one done through CLCF Baseball.
Yes. Regardless of previous BCI checks, one must be run through CLCF Baseball every year that you volunteer.
I do not have the time to manage/coach a team, but wish to help out with practices. Do I still need to submit a BCI check?
Yes! The safety of our players is our highest priority in all that we do. Any person who volunteers in ANY capacity at a CLCF Baseball sponsored event must submit a BCI check, and are subject to additional background screening at the national level. No person is permitted to step foot on the field at any time (game, practice, etc.) if they do not have a BCI on file with CLCF Baseball.
How can my business sponsor a team?
If you are interested in sponsoring a team, thank you! Your support helps the league maintain an excellent program for the youth of Cranston. You may contact the Baseball Chairperson, who will provide you with a sponsorship packet. This packet will describe what is covered under sponsorship, the fees, and the available packages. Please click here if you are interested in sponsoring CLCF Baseball.